Wednesday, August 31, 2005 stores web pages

Robots may threaten online Poker

There is an interesting article at Wired, "On the Internet, Nobody Knows You're a Bot" , and lots of posts related to the topic of robots that can play poker at online gambling sites.

Task management software

Alex King has an interesting online or local package of software to manage tasks. And then lots of people are using the GTD (Getting Things Done) methodology of David Allen.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Security Alerts and Running NonAdmin

There has been a lot of news lately about malware exploiting the vulnerabilities Microsoft described with the patches they released last week.

Some article I read pointed me to this good site: Websense Security Labs

It has an example, "Malicious Website / Malicious Code: Phishing via Hosts File", which provides another good example of the dangers of running as local Administrator. If you run with diminished rights and with the NTFS protecting the Windows directory, then the hosts file cannot be modified by processes you launch.

USRobotics Modems

Iread this week that USRobotics was being sold to VC firm. Heck, I thought it was still part of 3Com. Turns out they had spun it off after holding it a few years.

There is a good article, "I remember modems", at Tom's Hardware.

He links to a good site:

Friday, August 05, 2005

MSDN Code Camps

MSDN Code Camps are documented at the site.
I think they started in Boston, with Thom Robbins and have spread to a number of cities.
I sure wish I could have gone to the Portland one in August. Quite an impressive agenda scheduled and look at that list of speakers!

Our local .NET user group ( is thinking of doing one here in Chicago this fall. We have held an event we called Day of Dot Net in the past, but there are some differences.

Thursday, August 04, 2005

yet more on Security in IE7

There is a new post (Aug 3) by Rob Franco on the IEBlog:
Security strategy for IE7: Beta 1 overview, Beta 2 preview.
He states they intend to " make it easy for users to be in control of Add-ons" and says "We’ll continue to improve the user interface in Beta 2 with additional features to make security decisions easier."

He also references an earlier post which discusses “Protected Mode” (formerly known as Low-rights IE) which it appears is still relevant to Longhorn (WinVista) only.

There seems to have been a lot of talk about this on the Web (here is one example).