Saturday, July 16, 2005

VB and C# - Translators

Several new sites / tools to translate / convert code between VB and C# have appeared since the last time I looked. I stumbled onto one, Code Translator at, while following other leads. Then doing a google search again, I came up with quite few hits which were not there six months ago. Several are commercial tools. Among the free ones here are several I have used in the past with mixed results:

I think Kamal Patel's ConvertCSharp2VB was the first I tried, as I recall.
Alex Lowe's C# to VB.NET Translator at AspAlliance. John Robbins thinks this is better.
The tool at Clarity Consulting can be downloaded or run on their web site.

I see John Robbins wrote a column on this topic in MSDN Mag last July(2004). He includes a utility, CSProjToVBProj, which converts whole projects from C# to VB. I have not tried it.

Among commercial tools, I see: C-Sharpener For VB to convert complete projects from VB.NET to C#, which has apparently been out there for some years.


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